

The single most common cause of delayed and canceled flights by a far margin is weather-related. They make up about 75% of all the delays and cancellations. The state that has the most delays far above the rest is New York. I have never flown out of there, but after knowing this, I never would want to do that in winter. Have you ever been delayed or had a canceled flight yourself? It is annoying, and much extra time can be spent sleeping in airports. Luckily, this has never happened to me, and I hope it never happens again to anyone. But this is not likely with the ever-changing weather that we are experiencing. Please check out the article in my references to see more interesting facts on aviation due to weather.  References


One major threat to aviation safety is from cyber attackers. Unlike physical threats, which can be kept out with security measures like fences, gates, or cameras, cyber-attacks can happen anytime, anywhere in the world. The attackers can be sitting in their living room and still pose a threat to a flight or any other system. While some of these attacks can be prevented through firewalls, cybersecurity programs, personnel, and closely monitored servers, not all threats can be stopped. We can only do our best to learn from past attacks and develop new ideas to prevent future ones. We may use artificial intelligence to prevent these threats in the future. However, these attacks will still keep happening, and we must do all we can to keep them from happening . REFERENCES

NASA’s New Supersonic Jet X-5

  NASA has partnered with Lockheed Martin to make a new supersonic jet that produces a thumping sound when breaking the sound barrier instead of a boom. I chose this article for the ethical concerns this jet addresses, making safe high-speed travel above people and the environment. This is a great idea that needs lots of more testing and has been needed for many years. People and animals around the planet will benefit significantly from this technology. This jet also allows future aircraft to fly and produce less loud noises.                                                     References Mason Hannah (27 May 2022) Composites World, Digital design, multi-material  structure enables a           quieter supersonic NASA X-plane, Digital design, multi-material  structures enable a quieter supersonic NASA X-plane | CompositesWorld